156 Pink Elephants on Parade!

Scott videoed this pink elephant in one of the yards on his way home this morning. It has wheels for eyes and is made out of metal. Some (Spokanite? Spokanean?) mounted this metal sculpture on a pedestal and gave it a prominent position near the front door.

If they were paying homage to Disney's children's movie, "Dumbo," then I can understand and appreciate the effort. That was one of my favorite movies, as a child. I love that he thinks he needs his magic feather in order to fly, at first. I love all the songs, but especially "I done seen about everything when I see an elephant fly." Because I loved the movie so much, I also loved the Dumbo ride at Disneyland. We lived in the Los Angeles area, so we went every year.

Today I weigh 156, which is .6 up from yesterday, but still 1 pound less than Monday. We got some "pub mix" at Costco, which is similar to Chex mix. It is very salty. Yes, yes. I do need to lose these extra 6 pounds. And I know I will regret it if I put off losing the 6 extra pounds until after Christmas. That is what I sorely want to do, though. Yes, I need to cut way down on the snacks and treats. I walked a mile in the snow yesterday, for exercise, with Oreo. Here is what I ate: 

Special K, organic soy milk, blueberries
Waffle with raspberry syrup
El Monterey beef and bean burrito with salsa
Christmas cookies
Godiva chocolates
Steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots with a three-once flavored cheese from a gift package from Mom and Dad Kelley 
About three servings of pub mix
More cookies

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