147.2 August IS Autumn in Spokane, WA

OK, so when Oreo and I went on our morning walk today, what did we hear? Yep, leaves crunching under our feet! I admit it. I was wrong. August IS autumn here in Spokane, WA. I took this photo this morning. Yes, indeed, the leaves are starting to fall!

I really was not ready for summer to be over yet, but the temperature is only 72 today. I am back in jeans, but still stubbornly wearing tank tops. There is a definite chill in the air. It probably comes off the snowy mountains just north of us.

I lost 1.4 pounds yesterday. I have no idea how. I did walk my mile, and I also shopped at Costco and Walmart. Here is what I ate:

Small bowl of Special K and organic soy milk
1/4 cup peanut M&Ms
El Monterey beef burrito with salsa
Raw carrots and 1 tablespoon Parmesan spinach dip
Hamburger patty with 1 tablespoon BBQ sauce
Hostess fruit pie, apple flavor
1/4 cup peanut M&Ms

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