185.8 Day 13 of 14 Keep Trim Eating

My weight is back down to 185.8 today, which means I lost .6 pounds yesterday on keep trim eating. I am not even sure how, except that I did walk my mile yesterday. Here is all I ate:

2 cups Special K, 1 cup soy milk, black unsweetened coffee

Half a dinner plate of pizza, Diet Coke

2 cheeseburgers complete with bun, American cheese and BBQ sauce, caffeine-free diet soda

My new 34 x 30 jeans are a tiny bit loose under my hips, but not enough yet that I can wear them to substitute teaching assignments. I had them on this morning and I was tempted to wear them, just because I could get them on and they were semi comfortable. I wanted to celebrate the accomplishment. But they are too tight to be appropriate for teacher wear. In another week they won't be, if I stick to the program!

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