I don't think I could have stuck with the diet so long without these keep trim eating weeks. They are a great break when they come, and they are something to look forward to during the diet weeks. I enjoyed candy at Halloween and pumpkin pie / stuffing / mashed potatoes / gravy at Thanksgiving without the guilt associated with cheating on a diet. Each bit of it was a planned cheat on my diet, so it was guilt-free.
Here is a picture Scott took of me just now, wearing my new MEDIUM shirt and some size 14 pants from Good Will. This is the smallest shirt I am going to get, so I got it new, but I am hoping to get into size 10 pants eventually. There still is some fat around my face, but nothing like there used to be. I can see my ankle bones again, the swelling has gone down so much.
Here is what I ate yesterday and only gained .2 pounds (which I will slough off today!):
1 cup Special K, 1 cup soy milk, 1 cup strawberries, black unsweetened coffee
1 Banquet frozen dinner: sweet and sour chicken, Diet Dr Pepper
Baked chicken, onion and carrots, caffeine-free diet soda
Half a Hostess apple fruit pie
Good for you! Very proud of you.