I received 20 free samples in the mail yesterday from Lipton. I tried their new instant mango pineapple "Tea & Honey." It tasted good. There is a slight aspartame aftertaste, but if you are used to that from diet soda, then you won't notice it.
Aspartame diet drinks helped me lose the 90 pounds. Aspartame is considered a dangerous substance by some, but to me, for a few months, to lose a lot of weight, it was worth the risks.
Now that I've lost the weight and am on keep trim eating, I am trying to wean myself from needing any flavor in my water. They sent me about 20 packets of this stuff. I plan to enjoy every last one, but I am not sure if I will use any of the 50 cents off coupons they sent and buy any after the samples are gone.
How do I get all these free samples, you ask?
Good question. :) I get free samples as Klout perks. Klout is a service that connects ordinary people to products that want authentic advertising. To get the perks, which are free products ranging from ice tea mix to snow boards to hotel stays in exotic locations to all kinds of crazy cool stuff, you share products on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, and wherever else you hang out online. Easy!
Yeah, Klout perks are great! Pretty awesome tip, huh? All I ask in return is that you circle me on Google+. Easy, right? And you'll be helping me gain Klout! ;) See? That's how you do it! And while you're on my Google+ profile, just Google "Klout the standard for influence" to read more about it, and then go to klout.com and join! :)
Today is a make up snow day for the kids at school. There is no school today and no school Monday for Memorial Day. Yay! I get a four day weekend!
I substituted yesterday for a teacher who had algebra class in the morning and PE in the afternoon. What an odd combination! It was fun taking the kids outside to play softball, though.

I walked with the kids during their 12 minute warm-up and I walked them out to their field. Scott and I walked a mile with the dogs when I got home, too.
There were cupcakes in the teacher's lounge again, and I succumbed. It didn't seem to hurt me any. I lost a pound yesterday. Here is what I ate:
Small bowl of Special K, strawberries and organic soy milk
Banquet Sweet and Sour Chicken frozen dinner 8 oz
Small vanilla cupcake with butter cream frosting (teacher's lounge)
Bean and cheese burrito with salsa
Two Fuji apples each with two tablespoons peanut butter and 24 chocolate chips
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